The Křivoklát district – the first forestry park in the Czech Republic was established on 13 May 2010 as probably the first of this type in Europe.
The project was initiated as an effort of Křivoklát foresters to preserve the high natural values of this large forest ecosystem and, at the same time, maintain and further develop the tradition of Křivoklát forestry as a cultural heritage of our nation. The Křivoklát forestry is based on the legacy of our ancestors who, over several centuries, established some of the most beautiful forest stands in the Czech Republic for our and future generations in terms of variety of species, age diversity, stability and lasting economic efficiency.
The Křivoklátsko Forestry Park was established through the will of the owners and administrators of the forests to manage their properties in a sustainable way, closer to nature, without unnecessary interventions from the state or claims to further expenditures from the state budget. In the spirit of its motto “A place for nature and people”, the Křivoklátsko Forestry Park thus represents an immensely helpful step for all activities that take place in the use of this landscape unit.
The KFP founders are:
Colloredo-Mannsfeld, spol. s r.o.
Lesy České republiky, s.p. (Forests of the Czech Republic, State-owned Company)
Česká lesnická společnost, pobočný spolek Křivoklát (Czech Forestry Society, primary branch Křivoklát)
The KFP extends over an area of 17,332 hectares where the forest stands occupy 12,887 hectares.
The established non-profit KFP organisation ensures a wide range of activities and services for the amateur and professional public from pre-school children to the elderly.
The forestry park also respects all categories of protected areas that were established in its territory in the past and offers cooperation in the care of these valuable territories to the nature conservation authorities. Sustainable forest management according to the standards of the forestry park thus guarantees the conservation of forest ecosystems through the application of well-proven forestry procedures without the risk of radical upheavals or the threat of a large-scale collapse. It also guarantees the conservation of the productive potential of the local forests and landscape.
The Křivoklátsko Forestry Park has thus become an example of forest management in the area of research, monitoring, education, upbringing, promotion of forestry and care of the forest ecosystems. At the same time, it remains open to the broad public in forest- and nature-friendly activities even if the production capacities of the Křivoklát forests remain preserved.
Lesnický park Křivoklátsko, o.p.s.
Hradní 3
270 23 Křivoklát
Facebook: Lesnický park Křivoklátsko